Got home yesterday to find that an animal had made it's way into the chimney. Sitting quietly for a bit, I could hear that it had eventually made it to ground level, directly behind the fire in our front room. It sounded like something fairly big (not like "There's an elephant in the room" but a bit more substantial than a mouse) So we turned the gas off, disconnected and unsealed the fire, and found a dirty and energetically distressed pigeon. Caught it in a kiddies fishing net, and released it back into whatever passes for the wild round here.
Then we had to tidy up.

Somebody has turned the town centre of Liscard, where I live, into 3d buildings. Seeing it done in a place I'm very familiar with makes me see how effective it is. The process itself is like Google Earth in miniature: Create a shape, and overlay photographs upon that shape. But as the pictures show, the amount of detail that can be put into these things means they can really capture how things are.

Currently, only a bit of it has been done. Presumably we will see more and more of this as time goes on.
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